Solved: How to disable call forwarding in Android

In this post we will discuss how to disable call forwarding in an Android phone.
  • Click on the “Phone” icon in menu.
  • In the top right, click on three vertical dots .
  • Click on “Settings”
  • Click “Calling Accounts”
  • Select the SIM for which you want to disable call forwarding.
  • Select “Call Forwarding”
  • Select the option for which you want to disable call forwarding, like “Always Forward” or “When Busy” or When Unanswered” or “When Unreachable” .
  • Click “Turn off”
Later if you wan to enable call forwarding please refer this post.

That’s All Folks!

How to prepare for Certified Scrum Master exam

Below we are sharing the detailed steps for becoming CSM.
In the current fast paced and rapidly evolving software industry it’s very important that you immediately respond to changes and adapt  accordingly. This requires you to be aware of the latest Agile and Scrum practices and follow them. During the last few years, demand for Scrum Master has increased substantially.
What is a Scrum Master?
A Scrum Master is someone who understands the Agile and Scrum concepts and help the team to apply them, so that they are more open to change and respond quickly. His role involves removing any impediments to progress of the team, facilitate meetings, and work with Product Owner. A certification of Scrum Master will help you gain a recognition that you are well versed with the Scrum practices.
Certified Scrum Master certification is conducted by Scrum Alliance.
Requirements and Preparation
Below are steps you will have to follow for becoming CSM.
Step 1:- Before you appear for the exam you will have to attend the mandatory CSM training from a Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Trainer. Training is a 2 day workshop which covers all aspects of Agile and Scrum needed for clearing the exam. Generally the training cost includes the exam fee and 16 Scrum Education Units(SEUs).
Step 2:- Once you have completed the training appear for the online exam. To clear the exam you will have to correctly answer 24 out of 35 questions.
Exam Pattern
It’s an open book exam which you can give from your home also. You just need a desktop/laptop and access to internet. Exam is objective based. Around 70% is the passing score for exam. Most of the questions you will get will be covered in the class room training under different scenarios. Questions in exam are based on the Agile and Scrum best practices. Some questions are direct while many are scenario based.
Total cost of exam + training comes to around USD 1299 in USA and around Rs 25000 in India.
Practice Questions
You can refer to some good practice exam questions here.

Certified Scrum Master Sample Exam Questions

In our last post we have seen how to prepare for CSM exam and the efforts and  cost involved in it.
Below are some of the sample questions for CSM exam. You can get many such practice questions here .
Which of the following is a characteristic of a good Scrum Team?
A) Its members all have similar skills.
B) It waits for tasks to be assigned to it.
C) It seeks direction from the ScrumMaster.
D) It is self-organizing.
Answer D
Which of the following is a responsibility of the product owner?
A) Determine the team composition necessary for success
B) Determine the appropriate release dates
C) Determine the appropriate solution or approach for the product
D) Determine the length of the sprint
Answer B
Which technique might a ScrumMaster use to facilitate communication between the Development Team and the Product Owner?
A) Teach the Product Owner about the development processes employed by the Development Team during the Sprints.
B) Teach the Development Team to communicate in terms of business needs and objectives.
C) Facilitate collaborative meetings between the Development Team and the Product Owner.
D) All of these
Answer D
Q:”The CEO asks the Development Team to add a “very important” item to the current Sprint. What should the Development Team do?”
A) Add the item to the current Sprint without any adjustments.
B) Add the item to the current Sprint and drop an item of equal size.
C) Add the item to the next Sprint.
D) Inform the Product Owner so he/she can work with the CEO.
Answer D
What are the desirable qualities of a Product Vision?
A) Outlines traceability back to overall corporate governance in IT investment
B) Provides a complete breakdown structure of the ROI formula
C) Features a detailed overview that enlightens and inspires
D) Describes why the project is pursued and the product desired end state
Answer D
Above questions are taken from public internet and answers are based on our understanding. Please contact us if you have any query or concern.

Solved: How to enable call forwarding in Android

In this post we will discuss how to start call forwarding in an Android phone.
  • Click on the “Phone” icon in menu.
  • In the top right, click on three vertical dots .
  • Click on “Settings”
  • Click “Calling Accounts”
  • Select the SIM for which you want to enable call forwarding.
  • Select “Call Forwarding”
  • Select the forwarding option like “Always Forward” or “When Busy” or When Unanswered” or “When Unreachable”
  • It will ask for the number on which the call should be forwarded.
  • After entering the number click “Turn On”
Please note that these settings can be enabled only if your mobile operator allows this service. Some operators may charge you extra for enabling this service.

Later if you want to disable call forwarding please refer this post.

That’s All!

Solved: How to add disk in a virtual box VM

To add new disk in Virtual box VM it should be in powered off state.
  • Select the Virtual box VM in which you want to add the disk and power off the VM.
  • Right click on the VM and go to “Settings” .
Select “Storage” .
  • In the right Window you will see two icons with + sign.
  • Hover the mouse on the icon which says “Adds Hard Disk” and click on it.

  • Click on “Create New Disk”
  • Select VDI
  • Select “Dynamically Allocated”
  • Give disk a name and select size.
  • Click Create
  • Click OK
Once the disk is  created start the VM and login to it.
  • You should now see the new disk in VM.
  • If the disk is not visible run OS commands to scan the disk.
For Solaris execute “devfsadm -Cv” in the OS to scan the disk.
And if you are using Linux follow this post for scanning new LUNs .
Hope this post is helpful to you. Do let us know if you have any query.

How to check data balance in Idea Internet or start data balance notifications

In this post we will see how to check data balance left in Idea mobile internet for postpaid connection.
  • Dial *121#
  • Select “Self Care” . Type 4 and press Send.
  • Select “My Data Usage” . Type 4 and press Send.
It will display your current usage and balance left.
Follow below guide if you want to enable data balance notifications, so that whenever you stop internet it will display data usage and balance.
  • Dial *121#
  • Select “Self Care” . Type 4 and press Send.
  • Select “Data Notification”.  Type 5 and press Send.
  • Select “Start Notification”. Type 1 and press Send.
This will start data balance notification for you.

Solved: How to resize windows command prompt window

By  default the windows command prompt window will be small. But it can be very annoying to work in such a small window.
Here we will show you how to resize the window as per your requirement.
  • Open the command prompt(CMD) by right clicking on it and selecting “Run as administrator”.
  • Right click on the top of the window where the “Command Prompt” is written.

  • Click on “Properties” and select “Layout” tab.
  • Increase the “Width” and “Height” of “Window Size” as per your requirement. You can also change “Screen Buffer Size” if needed so that you can scroll back to more lines.

  • Finally Click OK and try re-opening the Terminal.

How to take zfs snapshot and rollback

In this post we will discuss how to take ZFS snapshot and restore data using that snapshot.

If you want to take snapshot of a ZFS filesystem the syntax is simple.

zfs snapshot pool/filesystem@somename

Let’s take an example, we have a zpool named “cvpool” and it has a filesystem "cldvdsfs".

  • If we wanting​ to take a snapshot of this filesystem on weekend we will give snapshot a name let’s say “sunday”.
zfs snapshot cvpool/cldvdsfs@sunday
  • Now if you do a “zfs list” you should see the zfs snapshot.
# zfs list
cvpool                     500M 4.40G 22K /cvpool
cvpool/cldvdsfs             22K 500M  22K /cvpool/cldvdsfs
cvpool/cldvdsfs@sunday        0   -   22K   -
  • Have a look at the content of the filesystem. We can see 5 test files.
# cd /cvpool/cldvdsfs

# ls
test1 test2 test3 test4 test5


  • If you want to do a rollback/restore of this snapshot on the filesystem you can simply do it by:-
zfs rollback pool/filesystem@sunday
  • Let's give it a try  by removing some files.
# rm test5
# rm test4
# ls
 test1 test2 test3
  • Now when we try rollback we should see all our data back.
# zfs rollback cvpool/cldvdsfs@sunday

# cd /cvpool/cldvdsfs
# ls
 test1 test2 test3 test4 test5

So we can see above we got our removed files back.

Remote backup

  • Let's try sending the snapshot on a different filesystem or on a remote server NFS filesystem. This is very useful for backup purposes where the data is stored on a different server.
# zfs send cvpool/cldvdsfs@sunday > /remoteNFS/sunday.snap
  • Let's check our snapshot size
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14K Sep 23 07:52 sunday.snap
  • Zip the snapshot

You also have an option to zip the snapshot to save space. Like in below example the snapshot got shrinked by 94% .

# gzip -9 -v /remoteNFS/sunday.snap
 /remoteNFS/sunday.snap: 94.0% -- replaced with /remoteNFS/sunday.snap.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 899 Sep 23 07:52 sunday.snap.gz
  • Now let's  create a new ZFS filesystem sunday and try to restore the snapshot on it.
# zfs create cvpool/sunday

# zfs list
 cvpool 500M 4.40G 22K /cvpool
 cvpool/cldvdsfs 22K 500M 22K /cvpool/cldvdsfs
 cvpool/cldvdsfs@sunday 0 - 22K -
 cvpool/sunday 21K 4.40G 21K /cvpool/sunday
  • Currently our new filesystem has nothing in it.
# cd /cvpool/sunday
# ls

Unzip the snapshot

Let's unzip and restore the snapshot.

# gzip -d -c /remoteNFS/sunday.snap.gz | zfs receive -F cvpool/sunday

Note:- When you restore the snapshot the filesystem /cvpool/sunday should not be in use else you will get device busy error.

  • We can now see our files in the the sunday filesystem.
 # cd /cvpool/sunday
 # ls
 test1 test2 test3 test4 test5
  • You can make the restored snapshot as your main filesystem by renaming it.

So here we will first rename the current filesystem to old.

 # zfs rename cvpool/cldvdsfs cvpool/cldvdsfs.old
 # zfs list
 cvpool 500M 4.40G 24K /cvpool
 cvpool/cldvdsfs.old 40K 500M 22K /cvpool/cldvdsfs.old
 cvpool/cldvdsfs.old@sunday 18K - 22K -
 cvpool/sunday 22K 4.40G 22K /cvpool/sunday
 cvpool/sunday@sunday 0 - 22K -
  • Now we will make the filesystem which was restored from sunday snapshot as main.
 # zfs rename cvpool/sunday cvpool/cldvdsfs
 # zfs list
 cvpool 500M 4.40G 24K /cvpool
 cvpool/cldvdsfs 40K 4.40G 22K /cvpool/cldvdsfs
 cvpool/cldvdsfs@sunday 18K - 22K -
 cvpool/cldvdsfs.old 40K 500M 22K /cvpool/cldvdsfs.old
 cvpool/cldvdsfs.old@sunday 18K - 22K -

Crash course on zpool and zfs in Solaris

In this post we will have a look on how to use zpool and zfs in Solaris.

We will start after labeling a new disk c0t2d0.

Create zpool

  • Once we have labelled the disk let's add it in a zpool "cvpool" .
# zpool create cvpool c0t2d0
  • Let's see our new pool.
# zpool list
 cvpool 4.97G 95.5K 4.97G 0% ONLINE -

Create new ZFS

  • So our pool is ready now let's create a ZFS filesystem in it.
# zfs create cvpool/cldvdsfs
  • Ok that was easy. Have a look at what ZFS we have created.
# zfs list
cvpool              104K   4.89G     21K   /cvpool
cvpool/cldvdsfs     21K    4.89G     21K   /cvpool/cldvdsfs
  • Check if our filesystem is mounted.
# df -h | grep -i cldvdsfs
 cvpool/cldvdsfs 4.9G 21K 4.9G 1% /cvpool/cldvdsfs

Restrict ZFS

  • Above we can see that the filesystem is having 4.9GB which is actually the complete zpool size.
  • We don't want to give the full pool to one filesystem so let's restrict it to 500MB .
# zfs set quota=500m cvpool/cldvdsfs
# zfs set reservation=500m cvpool/cldvdsfs
  • Now if we check again the filesystem we can see it's now has total size of 500MB only.
# df -h | grep -i cldvdsfs
 cvpool/cldvdsfs 500M 21K 500M 1% /cvpool/cldvdsfs

Grow or extend ZFS

  • What if you want to grow or extend the filesystem. Well that's also easy. If you have free space available you can increase the FS by just changing quota and reservation. If you want to know how to add new disks in a pool refer this post .
# zfs set quota=700m cvpool/cldvdsfs
# zfs set reservation=700m cvpool/cldvdsfs
  • So above we have increased the FS size to 700MB. Let's see if it reflects in "df -h" command.
 # df -h | grep -i cldvdsfs
 cvpool/cldvdsfs 700M 21K 700M 1% /cvpool/cldvdsfs

Yes it does!!

View ZFS properties

  • You can see the properties assigned to a ZFS filesystem by running a zfs get.
# zfs get all cvpool/cldvdsfs

Rename ZFS mountpoint

  • Now if you don't like the mountpoint name of the ZFS filesystem and want to rename it to say  /cldvdsfs_new. You can do it by modifying the mountpoint property.
# zfs set mountpoint=/cldvdsfs_new cvpool/cldvdsfs
  • If we look in df command output we can see the mountpoint name changed.
# df -h | grep -i cldvdsfs
 cvpool/cldvdsfs 700M 21K 700M 1% /cldvdsfs_new

Mirror zpool and zfs

  • If you want to mirror your ZFS filesystem you can do it by mirroring the zpool.
# zpool attach cvpool c0t2d0 c0t3d0
  • If we check status of the zpool we can see the disks are mirrored.
# zpool status cvpool
 pool: cvpool
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: resilver completed after 0h0m with 0 errors on Thu Sep 21 07:42:35 2017

 cvpool ONLINE 0 0 0
 mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
 c0t2d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
 c0t3d0 ONLINE 0 0 0 117K resilvered

errors: No known data errors

Delete zpool and ZFS

  • If you want to delete a zfs file system you can do it with destroy command. It will automatically unmount the filesystem if it's not in use.
zfs destroy cvpool/cldvdsfs
  • Finally delete the zpool.
# zpool destroy cvpool

Hope this post is helpful to you. Do let me know if you have any query.