This error is caused because you have hit the limit on number of instances allowed in your AWS account.
This limit is region and instance size specific. To get rid of this error you will have to request Amazon to increase the EC2 instance limit.
Requesting a limit increase is simple. Please follow below steps to know more.
- Login to you AWS console and select EC2 from Services drop down.
- Once in EC2 dashboard, in the left menu look for “Limits” and click on it.(refer image below)
- Expand “Instance Limits” to see the limits in your account for each instance type. In our case we have limit of 5 on “r4.2xlarge instances” so we click on “Request limit Increase”.
- You will get option to Create Case. Fill the details as in below image with a reason for requesting limit increase.

- Once you submit the case, if your reason is good enough for Amazon they will increase the limit between couple of minutes to few hours.
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