Solved RDS : Access denied; you need the SUPER privilege for thisoperation

Access denied; you need the SUPER privilege for this operation

You may get this error while trying to set values for RDS AURORA MySQL from the command line. It can be setting for long running queries or slow queries or many others.

If, you are sure you are trying to execute these changes using the master user then you can’t set these from command line.

For RDS Aurora you will have to make these changes through Parameter groups of DB and Cluster.

  •  To make the change, login to your AWS RDS console.
  • On the left side panel click on Parameter Groups and select the group associated with your RDS Cluster and node.
  • Make changes in the parameter groups.
  • Once you have saved the changes in parameter group it will start applying to your RDS cluster.

Some parameter changes will require reboot of your cluster while others can be done without reboot.  You will see pending-reboot in your cluster if it needs reboot to change the parameter.  For more details about parameter groups refer this AWS doc.

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